7 Proven Ways & Tips to Avoid Phone Addiction
Practical tips to help you get rid of your phone addiction and live your life freely
In the last newsletter, we discussed why we need to stop being slaves to our phones and how that can destroy our confidence, health, and social skills. In this newsletter, we are digging deep and discussing some practical tips that will actually break you free of this addiction habit so that you can eventually start living your life freely.
An ironic fact is that many of you right now are reading this very newsletter on your phones, Right?. So, our phones are helpful as you are able to gain knowledge and read this newsletter because of it, but we're all aware that our phones can do us a lot of harm if we allow them to use us. So, the primary purpose of this newsletter is not to convince you to stop using your phone but to keep your phone usage in proper alignment with your life.
1. Change your phone settings
It is challenging not to pick up our phones whenever we hear it buzz or ping or when our phones are constantly in front of us. Keep in mind that your attention is so valuable that all the tech companies are dying to grab it.
Here is how you can change your phone settings for more self-control:
Turn of notifications especially from social media apps
Remove distraction-based apps from your home screen
Use airplane mode when you’re doing an important task (studying/working)
Turn down your phone's backlight near bedtime
2. Make it hard to use your phone
when we always have our phones in our pockets or in front of us, our access to our phones will be too easy. As humans, we tend to do the things that are easy and not the things that require much effort. Therefore, putting your smartphone in another room, locking it away, or setting longer passwords will make it hard to open your phone and your phone usage will ultimately decrease.
3. Download productivity apps to help you have self-control
Flipd a lock screen that’s on a timer to help you not use distracting apps.
Foretst You earn credits not using your phone and get a chance to plant real trees with them
Offtime It shuts down everything except important contacts you’ve white listed.
Space You can set phone use goals and track your progress
Freedom Block all websites and apps while you work
Screentime Set daily usage limits on your phone or specific apps.
4. Don’t charge your phone in your bedroom
Keep your phone out of your room while you sleep. Many of us have this habit of sitting on our phones before we fell asleep. Reachers show that 3 in 5 people sleep with their phones near their bed and that has a negative impact on their health. By putting your phone away you will have much better sleep without being vulnerable with the blue light coming out of your phone screen.
5. Spend more time with your family & friends
Human beings are social creatures. We’re not meant to be isolated or to rely on technology for human interaction. But in our today’s world, we tend to spend more time on our phones than interacting and spending time with the people who care about us. Accordingly spending more time with our families and friends will result in less need to seek social interaction through our phones.
Turn off your phone and be present
6. Replace your phone use with healthier activities
When you start to control your phone usage and decrease it, you when have more free time than the phone was stealing from you. So you need to fill that time with healthier activities such as meditating, reading a book, or chatting with friends in person.
I highly recommend setting your phone aside one day. Choose one day of the week where you put your phone away for that day and let your friends and family when you’re having that day off. Make sure to choose a day where you won’t be needing your phone for school, work, or any other tasks.
7. Get over your fear of missing out
Accept that by limiting your smartphone use, you’re likely going to miss out on certain invitations, breaking news, or new gossip. It t’s almost impossible to stay on top of everything and believe me you don’t need to. Accepting this can be liberating and help break your reliance on technology. Here is 10 Ways to Overcome Fear of Missing Out.
My picks of the week 🙌
📺Videos: I Almost Burned Out. Here's How I Escaped My Anxiety - Niklas Christ
📚Book: The 4-Hour Work Week By Tim Ferriss
Reach me
📸 Instagram: mohamed-elsayed-atta
🕊️Twitter: Mohamed Elsayed
👨💻Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/medo.atta.12
📧Email: medoamericanenglish@gmail.com
Thank you for these 🙏
What a intresting article!